Saturday, October 6, 2012


For a man who would not take no for an answer (even “I’ll never date you” three times!) - I praise God.

For a man who followed God to England instead of the girl he’d finally “won” - I praise God.

For a man willing to choose one girl over what the world had to offer - I praise God.

For a day to declare love and promise faithfulness before God, family, and friends - I praise God.

For a year of challenges as two different people learned to adjust to living with each other - I praise God.

For an enchanted little town to enjoy the beginning of life together - I praise God.

For days of laughter and for days of tears - I praise God.

For a mother in-law spared from death - I praise God.

For months and months of hoping for a baby together - I praise God.

For a house that feels like a home - I praise God.

For parents who chose to take the high road and begin a legacy that will continue for generations after this family - I praise God.

For a man gifted with hilariousness and handsomeness - I praise God.

For a child that is His and not ours to hold onto - I praise God.

For a job and a committed man so that I can stay home - I praise God.

For a little girl who brings more joy to her parents than she’ll ever know - I praise God.

For a man who puts his family first...always - I praise God.

For a father who tells his daughter, “Do you know you’re beautiful?”, “You are so smart!”, and “I love you so much!” on a daily basis - I praise God.

For two babies at Home to look forward to holding together - I praise God.

For a man who graciously speaks more truth to me than anyone else in my life - I praise God.

For five years of being led by this man - I praise God.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Baby Hawley#2 & #3 (Part II)

That was January. Fast forward three months later to April and I was late again. I had heard that after miscarriages women are often more fertile but we were surprised that it happened so fast. I was shocked by God’s timing too - with the previous pregnancy I was excited but also overwhelmed since it meant I’d have two children under the age of one and a half. I also struggled with the thought that this would have changed my first year with S - I wouldn’t be able to just enjoy her first year like I had envisioned. It meant that we’d be preparing for the next one, thinking through how we’d function as a family of four, and there was a good possibility that I would have been sick or just unable to do the things that a non-pregnant mom could do with a baby/toddler. So what amazed me about this pregnancy was that we found out 4 days after S’s first birthday! It was incredible and we were so excited and thankful. Handsome being the more cautious one in our marriage said, “I’m completely excited to expand our family but I’m just not sure how I would handle something happening again.” I agreed but after that comment we both put it out of our heads and were pretty certain that there was no way that it would/could happen again so soon after the last one.
About a week later I realized something wasn’t quite right with this one. We went in and had blood work done but I knew what was happening before we even got the results back. But how could this be? How could we have lost two babies within three months of each other? We had a hard time wrapping our minds around it and processing it. 
Handsome was mad and confused. After a few days though as he worked through it and allowed the emotion to come, he told me that it was just easier to be mad that this was happening to us again than to allow himself to feel the pain of it. But once those emotions came flooding in, it allowed for the healing process to begin.
I was exhausted - physically and emotionally. My body was tired of going through this. It’s such a long, hard process and a constant reminder of the emotional pain you’re going through. Even weeks afterwards - I came home one day, laid S down for a nap, sat down and started heaving. I can’t remember the last time I cried that hard. It felt like someone in my family had died...and they had.
I feel the loss, like something’s missing. I feel it when I hear that someone is pregnant and due in August or December and I was too but have nothing to show for it; I feel it when my sister’s adorable little belly starts showing and mine is not growing with hers. I feel it when I least expect it.
But (and I am so thankful that there is a “but”), we have hope. God has so graciously carried us through this. He has brought both Handsome and I (in different ways) to the same place of supernatural gratefulness. We can’t explain it, but we feel filled to over-flowing with thankfulness for who God is and all that He has done for us. This work can only be credited to Him. I have been studying the gospel of Luke for the past 9 months and being reminded of the undeserved gift that we’ve been given in Jesus, God’s Son, has been so good and provides such good perspective. A while back as I was continuing to process everything I began to write down my prayers. The following entry captures our hearts and where God has brought us:
“Heavenly Father,
Today and yesterday I have been struggling. Thank you for who you are - the God who made Himself man, who knows our sorrows, who even though we repeatedly choose other “lovers” over you - loves us enough to die a gruesome death to glorify yourself and to make a way for me to know you and be able to be communicating with you right now. Thank you. My words are too small, too plain for how I feel and what you deserve.
Lord, you  know my pain - you FEEL my pain. You have lost also, only in a much more devastating way. You know worse pain. I know my pain is nothing compared to what you and others have experienced and so there is a lie that keeps beating me down, saying, ‘Your tears aren’t justified’, ‘Your pain is far less than others’ and therefore not valid’, ‘Don’t tell others of your pain because they know far worse and will roll their eyes at this small burden you bear’, ‘You are selfish for feeling such strong emotion...after all, you didn’t even know these babies nor carried them for very long.’
But Lord, it’s there - the grief is there and these days it seems to have taken residence in my heart. I long to know and hold my babies, but for that day I must wait. Thank you for hope, for strength when the lives of those around me seem to move forward...leaving me behind.
Your way is perfect, your plans for my/our life are perfect. Your love is overwhelming and it leaves me grateful. I cling to your sovereignty. You are good and worthy of my trust - ALWAYS. Your life, death, and resurrection leave no room for me to question these things. Though my eyes still burn from tears, my heart sings for joy for you my God spoke the universe into being and yet allow me to be a part of your plan, a part of wooing what was meant to be yours back to yourself.
I am humbled and beyond grateful for everything you do in my life. I am yours, Lord, have your way.”
We are thankful for two more reasons to look forward to heaven and we’re squeezing S a little tighter these days. I am humbled by and find it hard to believe that anyone would read this blog but our prayer is that God would be glorified in our lives and through our story and that others may be encouraged and led closer to Him.

We are so blessed.

I could kiss those cheeks all day!

This man leads us so well.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby Hawley #2 & #3

It was a week or so before Christmas and I was late. I waited a few days before getting suspicious but by the 4th day I knew. I went out, got a pregnancy test, and took it all without Handsome knowing. I felt like I was in shock because I was so certain but I love anticipation and so I thought it’d be fun to surprise him. Sure enough there were two straight lines. I wasn’t surprised at all - I wrapped it up and put it in a gift bag (I know, kind of gross), went downstairs and gave it to Handsome saying that I had an early Christmas present for him, however he’d have to wait because they say it takes between 8 and 10 months to make.
He opened it and was shocked. Neither of us were expecting it, after all S was only 8 months old which means I technically got pregnant when she was 7 months old! I hadn’t let the reality sink in until I told Handsome. I didn’t want to allow myself to experience any emotions until he knew too and we could experience it together. He was excited. I was freaked out. To be fair, there were things that I was excited about but there were also things that I was worried about and I didn’t know how everything was going to work out:
  • How do you have/raise two kids under the age of a year and a half? 
  • How do I continue to care for a baby if I’m sick as a dog?
  • I just started sleeping well for the first time in over a year, oh my, that will be hard to give up again.
As time went on, I still wondered (and tried not to worry) about these things and the things that I was excited about began to grow: 
  • S will be a big sister and she’ll be so good at it! 
  • They’ll be so close in age and have such a special bond! 
  • Life will be insane for a while but I imagine there is such sweet joy in the insanity! 
  • There is a life growing inside of me!
There was something that made me stand in awe of God’s goodness though - my sister and the life that was growing inside of her too. It turned out that she was due on August 20th...I was due August 21st. This brought me more joy than I could contain. I couldn’t believe that the Lord was allowing me to be pregnant with my sister and best friend. And not just that, but we would literally get to walk through every stage of pregnancy together. I mean, a day apart? Who could even come up with this scenario?! Blimpy (my sister) and I felt like we were living out a dream come true - in fact, through her tears of joy, those were the exact words that she said when we told my family. 
But after a while we started to fear that something wasn’t right. The spotting that had happened for a couple of days right at the beginning of my pregnancy with S did not stop with this one. It went on for weeks and gradually got worse. We went in to see the doctor and they did some blood work and told us they’d call with the results. We tried not to be anxious as we waited for the call. When they did finally call it wasn’t good news. They said we would lose the baby but that they couldn’t tell us when. It was hard to process since we weren’t actually experiencing the loss but waiting for it. But in a few days it happened just as they said it would...

(Sorry, I don't mean for this to be a depressing post - more is coming and God is still so good!)

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Birthday Letter to My Little S!

My sweet Little S,
Today you turned one - how can it be? This time last year I held you in my arms for the first time and cried tears of joy while you held onto my finger. You were and still are perfect - exactly how God wanted you to be and more than your Daddy or I could have imagined! This time last year you, your Daddy and I, and so many sweet family members were crowded into a hospital room “oohing” and “ahhing” over you while you slept with your sweet face against my chest...heaven. 
I remember about a week before you were born watching your elbow rub across my tummy - now your elbows have the sweetest little dimples in them! You are so full of joy and bring us so much joy too. Wherever we go you say “Hi” to every person that we pass - you seem to make people’s day with just one word and a gummy smile (you still only have one little tooth, bless your heart). You love to stand at the window in the playroom and watch the world go by and say “woof, woof” hoping to see the dog across the street come outside. Your favorite song right now is “Rock, rock, rock, rock...Rock a little Susu...I love you.” We sing it to you when you’re in the swing or on the rocking chair so whenever you see one of those or whenever you just think of it throughout the day you sing, “ya, ya, ya, ya...” and your Daddy and I look at each other and smile - we LOVE hearing you sing. You are such a little love-bug. You’ll just randomly run up to me or your Daddy and give us hugs or nuzzle your face into our necks. It. Is.The. Best!
So much has changed throughout this first year of your life and God has worked in your life and ours in amazing ways. When you were two months old you started to refuse to eat. It broke my heart to see you so sad and hungry and yet choose not to eat. I would watch your monitor so closely so that as soon as you woke up I could run in and feed you before you came out of your groggy state - it was the only way you would eat. We prayed and prayed for you to get better. The doctors figured out that you had an intolerance to cow’s milk so I went on a dairy-free and soy-free diet. You were still sad and in so much pain after you ate so we found a formula that worked and within a few days you were back to your old self. We praised God.
When you were four months old your doctor noticed that your hips weren’t exactly right. Your legs would lay at a 90 degree angle from your side so they sent me to get x-rays. Your hip was underdeveloped and so we prayed and they followed you for the next few months. When we came back for a follow-up appointment they said you were doing great and everything was looking normal. We praised God.
At this same time the doctor noticed that you were more flexible than most babies and a little “floppy” as they said. You still had trouble holding your head up at four months and they determined that you had "low muscle tone". So they gave me the phone number for a physical therapist and she started coming to our house twice a month to work with you. We set a goal when we first started and hoped that by April (around your first birthday) you would be walking well enough to enjoy an Easter-egg hunt with your cousins.We prayed and prayed. Every time she came she would talk about how amazing you were doing. Your birthday party is tomorrow and you will literally be running around with your cousins. We praise God.
Around nine months the doctor told us to start slowly introducing dairy products to see how you would react to them. I was so nervous and didn’t want to put you through all the pain you went through earlier in your life. We prayed and prayed. Your eat cheese, yogurt, and dairy-based formula every day and LOVE it! We praise God.
I sometimes sing you a little song that I wrote for you. The words are:
“Sweet baby of mine,
You have my heart.
Sweet baby of mine,
From the very start.
God has lent you to me,
And I’m so thankful to Him.
Sweet baby of mine,
Baby of mine.”
Every night after you finish your bottle you snuggle your face onto my shoulder and I rock with you and pray. I thank God for your life, for giving us the time that He has given us up until this point. I pray that you will come to know Him at a young age and walk with Him all the days of your life. I pray that you will love His Word and love spending time with Him daily. I pray that you will find your worth in Him and Him alone. I pray for protection from evil. I pray that you will be a leader at school and among your friends; that people will be drawn to you because of the way you love Jesus. I pray that you will love telling others about Him. I pray for your friends who you may grow up with - Lily, Kate, Raelyn, Natalie, and Nora that they would come to know Jesus at a young age too. I pray the same for your future husband and that from a young age God would provide a godly man in his life to point him towards Christ and show him what it means to be a man of character and how to love a woman the way that God intends for him to. I pray that God will protect both of you from sexual sin - that He would protect your eyes and your bodies and that you will save yourselves for each other. I pray for your children and your children’s children and all generations after you - that they will know Jesus and leave a legacy that glorifies Him. And I beg God that He would be glorified in your life and/or your death. Then while you’re in my arms I open up my hands and usually fight back tears and tell God that you are His - that you belong wholly to Him; you are not mine to hold onto. Then I thank Him again for allowing us to be your parents. Then I tell you it’s time to go to sleep and that I love you so very much and sway with you for a little while before laying you down in your crib. It’s probably my favorite time of the day.
I am humbled by the gift that He has give us in you and I lay you at His feet, sweet child.
Your adoring Momma